All art is formed from a single line. Sketching, a fundamental skill and art form in itself, will help hone your child's eye for detail and enable their unleashed creativity. Discover the power of lines, shading, and perspective as our skilled instructors guide you through fundamental techniques.
Join us at Honey Academy and bring your imagination to life through the timeless art of sketching.
Age Range
Honey Academy teaches three different levels of Sketching classes.
These classes are separated by grade level: grades 3 to 5 are beginner-level; grades 6 to 8 are intermediate; and grades 9 to 12 are advanced.
Sketched works by Honey Academy Students!

How do I enroll my child?
To learn more, visit Honey Academy’s campus and ask about our Sketching courses.
We will eagerly answer any questions, give you a tour of our art facility, and you will have an opportunity to chat with our incredible instructors.
You do not have to bring any forms or fill any paperwork prior to visiting.